Right to Work, by the Numbers


Part 1: Population and Population Movement

People who are pro-labor often argue against right-to-work legislation by pointing out its fundamental unfairness to dues-paying union members and by arguing that, in weakening unions, it erodes the wages, benefits, and working conditions of all workers. I myself made such an argument in an earlier post to this blog titled “Right to Work Is an Insult to Intelligence.”

But declining union membership and the increasing proportion of union membership that public employees constitute have, unfortunately, combined to reinforce the perception that union members are an unjustifiably pampered, “special” class of workers.

So, rather than try to change perceptions of unions, I think that it may be more effective to scrutinize the claims made by right-to-work proponents and to judge whether right-to-work states are, indeed, the veritable workers’ paradises that they are so often asserted to be.

This will be the first post in…

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